action replay codes for pokemon white version

action replay codes for pokemon white version
Is there an Action Replay code to make only the wild pokemon shiny.
Version: White 2. Region: US Code: All I want is a code that enables me to change a traded pokemon's nickname. I haven't been able to find.
Jan 28, 2013. I'll try to do it. is that code for both versions? well. the thread where i found it. I Requested for a Pokemon White 2 Action Replay code to be.
Pokémon Black Version 2 Action Replay Codes (DS) - Neoseeker.
Version: White 2. Region: US Code: All I want is a code that enables me to change a traded pokemon's nickname. I haven't been able to find.
Jan 28, 2013. I'll try to do it. is that code for both versions? well. the thread where i found it. I Requested for a Pokemon White 2 Action Replay code to be.
Oct 18, 2012. I got a Shiny Code that you hold in "R" Button to activate that works with White 2. 5201c560 43084050 0201c564 2000d108 e201c56c.

action replay codes for pokemon white version
Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 [USA] Action Replay Official Code List.Serious Action Replay issue with pokemon white - Pokémon White.
Action Replay Codes for: Pokémon Black Version 2 (DS). rating: --- Allow all Pokémon in party to earn EXP after battle [North America]. 521aef84 42819903.
I am having the same problem with the US version of the game with the whole " press select to make shiny" issue. When I press select to make.
Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Action Replay Codes. - GameFAQs.
US Action Replay Codes - Pokemon White Version Message Board.
re: ~Action Replay Codes/Requests - Pokemon Black 2/ White 2.
Pokémon Black Version 2 Action Replay Codes (DS) - North.
Oct 30, 2012. I don't know if this helps but I tested this for Black 2(US) Instant Egg Hatch code 521812d0 46c04718 521822d0 d30042b0 121812d2.
Jan 2, 2013. All TM/HM. More: Nintendo DS Pokemon White 2 Action Replay Codes. it also works for the UK version of the game as well. Added 27th May.